PCMH Information
What is a patient Centered Medical Home?
Patient centered medical home is a team that works together to help you make the best choices about your health. The team includes you, your health care professionals, and any trusted friends and family members that you wish to include. A provider has been or will be assigned to you. this can be changed at your request.
As your medical home you may notice:
We ask what your goal is or what you want to do to improve your health.
We ask you to help us plan your care and if you think you can follow the plan.
We remind you when tests are due so that you can receive the best quality care.
We explore new methods to care for you better, including ways to help you care for yourself.
We provide you with a printed summary of your visit.
As your medical home we will:
Provide the best treatment and advice based on current evidence-based practice.
Manage acute illness and chronic health to assist you in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Explain diseases, treatment and medications and help you set health improvement goals.
Provide access to medical provider when the clinic is closed for urgent needs.
Talk with you about any testing or treatment that you need.
Arrange your health care with qualified specialists as needed.
Make you feel comfortable and welcome.
Keep you health records secure.
How to prepare for your role:
Provide all of your health information including all medications, bring an updated medication list or your current medication bottles to your office visits.
Please inform us of any doctors that are part of your care and when you receive services from an urgent center, emergency room, or hospital.
Ask other doctors you see to send us reports about your care when you see them.
Take part in creating a plan for your care with your doctor.
Get involved in your health care and wellness by following your plan.
Call us first with medical problems and questions unless it is an emergency.
Keep your appointments as scheduled or call 24 hours in advance to change.
Pay your share of the visit fee when you are seen in office.
Participate in surveys to give us feedback so we can strive to improve our services.